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Go-Live Seminars

Zoom Meeting for Footy Education (Pro Coaches):

Footy recommends to host a meeting for all staff to walk through all features, functionality of admin panel, their oversight, best practices and our unified vision for player development. This will be the single most important meeting to engage the staff and to be understanding as to how to help their players log into accounts and maximize all features. It will also open lines of communication for any current or future questions that the staff may have for the Footy Project Manager.

Zoom Meeting for Footy Education (Training Coaches):

Footy recommends to host a meeting as well for all staff that will have players with the Footy ‘Training’ accounts. Despite the fact that these accounts will not have access to any player-coach link, these coaches are still to be the best advocates for driving usage. In this meeting we will walk through all features and best practices of the Footy ‘Training’ app and help communicate their role in using this app to help all efforts to have a positive experience from playing the game. Again, the goals for the recreational player would be (1) positive experience and (2) conversion to competitive.


Zoom Meeting for Footy Education (All Pro Players):

Footy strongly recommends to host a meeting for all players that will have Footy ‘Pro’ accounts. We want to make sure that players understand all features. This will be the single most effective way to communicate usage expectations from the Club, Coaches and Footy. This will also be the opportunity to address any questions directly and keep all communication from the player/parent to Footy only (and not Club Administration).


Zoom Meeting for Footy Education (All Training Players):

Footy also recommends to host a meeting for all players that will have Footy ‘Training’ accounts. Although offered less access, it is still vital that we walk through with the players all the features and training sessions available. We want Footy to help these players find achievement through positive experience and just a bit a guided session will do so much. This will also be the opportunity to address any questions directly and keep all communication from the player/parent to Footy only (and not Club Administration).



Please contact us at to schedule a zoom call for your organization.

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